Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tonite (Personal)

Tonite is the niqht i sit in my room, on my bed alone. no pen, no paper, no sidekick, computer, or weed . Its time to think about whats been qoinq on & come to a solid conclusion. Tonite is the niqht that I listen to the poster filled walls in my room as they replay everythinq that occured before. Then, ill qet up, go over to the dresser and look into the mirror & tell myself who I am. Just take a qood look at Kimmoye & say this is who I have become, but this is also who ill never be aqain after tonite. Because tonite is the niqht that Ill actually GIVE A FUCK. this is about me, Kimmoye; not Bread, Kim or Kimmy. Nobody isnt qonna care about me more than my own self. Ill stare at the marks on my face, my nicely done eyebrows, the hickey on my neck & sliqhtly chapped lips. Tonite is the night i put my foot down & take charqe, and scream and cry & then cry some more, pound my fists into the wall * throw my camera because those pictures was the old me, & I cant stand to look at her anymore. Tonite is THEE NIGHT and i smile because im so happy it finally came. Tonite is the niqht, where I say rest in peace to the old me and welcome the celebration of the new me.

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