Wednesday, June 3, 2009

MLK & Malcolm X Visionary

Been kept down for so many years.
Cooperating with the system
Has always been the way of dealing with my fears.
There’s a long road to freedom
Filled with many stop signs and bumps.
But when you’ve been pushed to the edge for so long,
The only option is to jump.
They say war isn’t the way,
Peace shall overcome this problem.
Acquiescence, Physical violence or nonviolent resistance…
Which method do you think
Is the right way to solve ‘em?
Boycotts and Marches
Was Martin Luther King’s way of achieving his dream
Malcolm X never seen it that way,
We have to protect ourselves by any means.
Oppression filled our nation with hatred, destroyed love
And ended up putting our own people to rest.
Even though their methods were different,
Dr. King and Malcolm X always wanted what was best.
The long road to freedom
Has smoothen out and become golden.
Oppressed we will no longer be
Cause striding for our rights and standing up for ourselves
Is the path we have chosen.

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