Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Im Sorry Pt. 2

Part B:
im not sorry for being late , knowing after wards ill always make it up to you
im not sorry for all the times i called you and got a " ill call you back " and never did get a call back
im not sorry for looking at other guys , when you thought it was cute to talk to other girls behind my back
im not sorry for chilling with any friends that were boys knowing that you had many girl friends and i never complained for it
im not sorry for getting into arguments and not being childish and leaving with the last word cause i never wanted to lose you
im not sorry for working or busting my ass off to get you something you wanted without the care of a " thank you ".
im not going to be sorry for the lies i kept behind your back because i didnt want to believe what people said about you
im not sorry for not seeing you and skipping out with the girls cause in the right state of mind i knew all you needed was space and not more closure
im not sorry for any rumor or lie you heard about me cause honestly if you loved me for me you wouldnt believe half the shit you heard
im not sorry for the way i am , cause its reason's like this that make me who i am and make me more mature
im not sorry for promising you the world because you never needed it all you needed was me
im not sorry for promising you things cause everything i got you i did , maybe late but i got it for you
im not sorry for not qualifying to be your " princess" because now not only do i know you wasnt my " night in shing armor " nor was you rite for me.

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