Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Keep This on the Hush (Personal)

Can you keep a secret? Knowing there might possibly be something in there for you. Having the hope that he will do me good in my time of need. Knowing what you're capable of and using it to your advantage. Early morning crushes and midnight stands.We probably won't get far, but as long as you're down for the ride, all is good baby. If love was a book, no one would read it. Too scared to. Those with the balls to do so wouldn't understand it anyway. Anyone interested in money won't ever know, too caught up chanting "MOB". So let's keep it a secret between us, in a language only me and you know. I kno she hurt you baby, thats why im here. You can let your guard down now, no need to be afraid anymore. I will never hurt you.

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