Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Forever Your Lady

"You may not be her first, last or her only.
She loved before, she may love again.
But If she loves you now, what else matters?
Shes not perfect - You arent either.
And the two of you may not be perfect together.
But if she can make you laugh, Cause you to think twice
And admit to being human and making mistakes,
Hold onto her and give her the most you can.
She may not be thinking about you every second of the day
But she will give you a part of her she kno you can break
her heart. so don't change her, don't analzye and don't expect
more than she can give you . Smile when she makes you happy ,
let her know when she makes you mad , and miss her when
she's not there ."

Im Sorry Pt. 2

Part B:
im not sorry for being late , knowing after wards ill always make it up to you
im not sorry for all the times i called you and got a " ill call you back " and never did get a call back
im not sorry for looking at other guys , when you thought it was cute to talk to other girls behind my back
im not sorry for chilling with any friends that were boys knowing that you had many girl friends and i never complained for it
im not sorry for getting into arguments and not being childish and leaving with the last word cause i never wanted to lose you
im not sorry for working or busting my ass off to get you something you wanted without the care of a " thank you ".
im not going to be sorry for the lies i kept behind your back because i didnt want to believe what people said about you
im not sorry for not seeing you and skipping out with the girls cause in the right state of mind i knew all you needed was space and not more closure
im not sorry for any rumor or lie you heard about me cause honestly if you loved me for me you wouldnt believe half the shit you heard
im not sorry for the way i am , cause its reason's like this that make me who i am and make me more mature
im not sorry for promising you the world because you never needed it all you needed was me
im not sorry for promising you things cause everything i got you i did , maybe late but i got it for you
im not sorry for not qualifying to be your " princess" because now not only do i know you wasnt my " night in shing armor " nor was you rite for me.

Im Sorry Pt. 1

Part A:

im sorry for anytime i was late to see you , when i told i hated late people myself
im sorry for anytime i might have forgotten to call you , when i promised i would
im sorry for anytime i looked at another boy different , when i said you was my one & only
im sorry for anytime i might have chilled with other guys , knowing it makes you jealous
im sorry for the times we got into arguments & i let you get the last wordim sorry for anytime i refused to listen to you ; and end up doing the wrong thing
im sorry for any lie i ever told you cause i know how bad you hate when i lie
im sorry for all the times instead of seeing you , i skipped out to chill with the girls
im sorry for all the times i got you mad from a rumor or a lie someone told you bout me im sorry that i am the way i am , even though i tell you everyday im going to change
im sorry that even though i promise you the world , i cant give it to you
im sorry for when i promise you things & dont get them as i should
im sorry i put my word out so much and make my self look less of a woman
im sorry i just dont have what it takes to be that " princess " that you wanted
im sorry for being sorry , i know how bad you hate when i say im sorry....

Who's Kimmoye (Personal)

I sometimes dont know what I want, but when I do you best know nothing can't stop me from getting it. Ive done soo many about me's and I dont think this is my last. Hello am Kimmoye. Im not unique, everyone is unique these days and I'm not everyone. I'm not funny but I can make people laugh. "Women usually love what they buy, yet hate two-third of whats in their closet", I find that to be true. A lot of people ask who do I go with. I go with whoever wanna go. When Im not being myself, Im being a little nicer but thats because Im shy. I have changed my mind a lot about what I wanna do or be when I grow older, but right now I wanna be a Journalist. I might be shy but I find it fun meeting new people. I know many people dont like me, but thats okay I dont like many people neither. For those who think they know me, I forgive you.


The clones have been made, bringing humanity to shame;
Self-esteem issues have risen thanks to {society's} mental prison.
Skinny or fat, Voluminous or flat,
{Society} will judge you for any of that.
"You have to be more skinny."
"You have to be more pretty."
They have many ways to make you feel shitty.
{Society} controls us, Mass media will mould us,
Until both of them have cloned us into something utterly bogus.
Don't let {society} shape you,
No matter how many people will hate you;
Why lose a true friend for a craze that would soon end?
So just stand out from the crowd,
Let your soul shine from within,
Scream your words, say them loud,

MLK & Malcolm X Visionary

Been kept down for so many years.
Cooperating with the system
Has always been the way of dealing with my fears.
There’s a long road to freedom
Filled with many stop signs and bumps.
But when you’ve been pushed to the edge for so long,
The only option is to jump.
They say war isn’t the way,
Peace shall overcome this problem.
Acquiescence, Physical violence or nonviolent resistance…
Which method do you think
Is the right way to solve ‘em?
Boycotts and Marches
Was Martin Luther King’s way of achieving his dream
Malcolm X never seen it that way,
We have to protect ourselves by any means.
Oppression filled our nation with hatred, destroyed love
And ended up putting our own people to rest.
Even though their methods were different,
Dr. King and Malcolm X always wanted what was best.
The long road to freedom
Has smoothen out and become golden.
Oppressed we will no longer be
Cause striding for our rights and standing up for ourselves
Is the path we have chosen.

Dr. King & Malcolm X Pt. 2

The purpose defeats itself and often destroys community (King, p. 302). Martin Luther King’s method in dealing with oppression was through boycotts, sit-ins and marches. In his “I Have a Dream” speech, he talks about rights to live and the pursuit of happiness. Then he states, “Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred”. Malcolm X on the other hand had different methods of his own.

Malcolm X, the black nationalist encouraged African Americans to fight racial oppression “by any means necessary.” (Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X: A Common Solution?, 2005) Malcolm X says that blacks should unite together and fight against their common enemy. “In areas of this country where the government has proven either its inability or its unwillingness to protect the lives and property of our people, then it’s only fair to expect us to do whatever is necessary to protect ourselves.” (Crane, p. 305) Malcolm X’s speeches were often times interpreted as being threats because he feels that there are times where the government’s ability to protect us was broken down. The people have respect for the government but the government however doesn’t have respect for its people. The neighborhood communities are endangered and the law can’t do anything about it. “…Our people will never be respected as human beings until we react as other normal, intelligent human beings do.” (Crane, p. 306)

I believe that freedom of oppression can be dealt with the methods of Dr. King. A peaceful solution is always the best way to overcome a problem but sometimes the situation is so overwhelming that violence is the only path to resolution. After comparing the methods of both these influential men, I can see that they both have the same idea, but their methods were much different. Dr. King wanted a peaceful protest to open the eyes of the white and black public, where as Malcolm X wanted change and he wanted it now, even if violence was necessary.

Dr. King & Malcolm X Pt. 1

During the 1950s and 1960s African Americans and their supporters challenged segregation laws and fought for Civil rights. But these black people were not unorganized; they had leaders of their own. Although they were leading the same cause, they had different viewpoints about achieving the generic goal. Two of these leaders were Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were both two of the strongest and most influential civil rights activists. Both men were similar in many ways, but yet at the same time were very, very different. Their views on dealing with oppression both had the same idea but their methods in dealing with it contrast (Comparing Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X, 2005).

“Oppressed people deal with their oppression in three characteristic ways. One way is acquiescence: the oppressed resign themselves to their doom.” (King, p. 301) They have become so accustom to being slaves that they are worn down by oppression and give up. A Negro guitarist from Atlanta used to sing almost daily: “Been down so long that down don’t bother me.” They accepted oppression passively and have become as evil as the oppressor (King, p. 301). A second way that oppressed people deal with oppression is physical violence, which was often judged as being impractical, immoral and destruction for all. The third way oppressed people deal with oppression is the way of nonviolent resistance. This seeks reconcile to both acquiescence and violence, while avoiding the immoralities of both. (King, p. 302)To begin with, Dr. King’s views about dealing with oppression, was that he believed freedom could be obtained through peaceful tactics.

“Violence often brings about momentary results. Nations have frequently won their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace. It solves no social problem; it merely creates new and more complicated ones.” (King, p. 302) Dr. King strives more for brotherhood. Violence in his eyes destroys love and builds hatred instead.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I Promise

I promise to never let you get the best of me.
I promise to love me first.
I promise to always keep faith.
I promise never to forget who am I.
I promise to never forget where I can from.
I promise to never let my past affect my future.
I promise to always love you.
I promise to never give up.
I promise to keep you in my prayers.
I promise to do me.I promise to live it up.
I promise imma be somebody later on in life.
I promise to stay true.
I promise to never let my parents down.
I promise Im always gon' be here.
I promise to fear nobody but God.
I promise to stay humble.
I promise your gonna be mine =)
I promise to keep all my promises.

Im Only Human (Personal)

Sometimes I let hostility get the best of me and piss off the people I care about the most. Sometimes I don't know what to say when you're pissed at me. Sometimes I regret how things ended. Sometimes I miss you, less rather than more but I do. I don't know why things happen, but I'm glad they did. Sometimes the slowest days are the most depressing. I love to act like I'm not human without any feelings, but once again, it's just an act. Sometimes I spend the day staring outside the window hoping to see someone making a difference. I don't know why I didn't call you back. Nor do I know why it took me so long to realize I was supposed to.

Keep This on the Hush (Personal)

Can you keep a secret? Knowing there might possibly be something in there for you. Having the hope that he will do me good in my time of need. Knowing what you're capable of and using it to your advantage. Early morning crushes and midnight stands.We probably won't get far, but as long as you're down for the ride, all is good baby. If love was a book, no one would read it. Too scared to. Those with the balls to do so wouldn't understand it anyway. Anyone interested in money won't ever know, too caught up chanting "MOB". So let's keep it a secret between us, in a language only me and you know. I kno she hurt you baby, thats why im here. You can let your guard down now, no need to be afraid anymore. I will never hurt you.

Know who you are FIRST.

her unwanted heart
has always been pushed and shoved
on the quest to find the right one
but her soul bleeded for love
constantly coming out of unhealthy relationships
to her, holloween was everyday
men came into her life wearing disguise
streating women like games
waiting for the next one to play
maybe she should stop looking for love
and make love find her
the map to heart may be a little hard to find
due to previous bumps and curves
the man willing to take the risk
every night she gets down on both knees and pray
blessings come with patience
she waits for her heart to be rescued someday
until that day comes
she walks around with glue
for the heart that she was dealt
she realizes that its not about love finding her
its about her finding herself

You Cant Afford Me!

the sand loves the beaches
the way the sky loves the sun
i love you and me toqether
but it seems like that day will never come
show me the way to your heart
and ill be at the end of the trail waiting forever
you see me as a priceless stone
a diamond in the rough not to be mistaken
a young girl lost in a crowd waiting to be noticed by him
but short minds and short skirts has overtaken
the waves and high tides ran across the ocean
dark clouds filled the sky with rain
he refuses to take notice of whats infront of him
so there still patiently she remains
days, weeks, months pass by
hoping they will meet face to face
little does she know
only stones he can afford to play with
since diamonds are such an expensive taste

Tonite (Personal)

Tonite is the niqht i sit in my room, on my bed alone. no pen, no paper, no sidekick, computer, or weed . Its time to think about whats been qoinq on & come to a solid conclusion. Tonite is the niqht that I listen to the poster filled walls in my room as they replay everythinq that occured before. Then, ill qet up, go over to the dresser and look into the mirror & tell myself who I am. Just take a qood look at Kimmoye & say this is who I have become, but this is also who ill never be aqain after tonite. Because tonite is the niqht that Ill actually GIVE A FUCK. this is about me, Kimmoye; not Bread, Kim or Kimmy. Nobody isnt qonna care about me more than my own self. Ill stare at the marks on my face, my nicely done eyebrows, the hickey on my neck & sliqhtly chapped lips. Tonite is the night i put my foot down & take charqe, and scream and cry & then cry some more, pound my fists into the wall * throw my camera because those pictures was the old me, & I cant stand to look at her anymore. Tonite is THEE NIGHT and i smile because im so happy it finally came. Tonite is the niqht, where I say rest in peace to the old me and welcome the celebration of the new me.

Pretend (Personal)

Its not all about the birds and the bees, but we pretend. Keeping our mouth closed but thinking the samething, we just dnt kno yet. I dnt wanna waste ya time, however at the same time couldnt go one minute without. Play it off like i dnt care when she calls. hold my hand but you recognize the wall i built to keep you out. late niqht phone calls, kisses goodbye but we still keep our mouth shut. afraid. to move on? jealousy isnt an issue, not yet anyways. But we pretend. I kno you care when he calls. both wanna be with someone else but dont wanna loose eachother at the same time. I may be hard to trust but trust me when i say, i cant be without you. still she calls you over and over while he calls me too. Just have faith, we'll make it & have that fairytale ending. Even though i lost the butterflies when i look at you but still i pretend & you kno but we try. walking down the street holding hands with our head held high, ignoring the fact that we both kno it will NEVER work out...

For My Bestfriend: Treeven Dove


you've been my friend. that by itself is a tremendous thing. for 5 years, and sometimes that can be impossible for others, since you're a qreat amount of miles away. said what i was thinking and been me in a much better way. helping you thru ya shit & at the sametime trying to lift mine. like my greater half, knowing all my sex capades & quotinq a.i.m chats. know and still hate all my bad habits, bi-polar mood swings, unstable emotions, and was always on track with the worthless niqqas i mess wit, except one & only you kno who that is. im never the type to waste my time & shout someone out cause 3 weeks later, they'll be outta my life. but now i have to cause shes so great you'd want to scream it to the world. the chinkey, yellow, 5'8 version of me. & i know shes qonna be reading this with a biq ass cheese on her face. i love you b, always & maybe forever.

Man Of My Dreams =)

if i could create the man of my dreams; drawn, sketched & invented. he'd have earrinqs in both of his ears and tatoos on his arm, leqs and back. hmm sexy. a low ceasar w. waves you can drown in. he'd wear jordans, prada, barkleys. listen to jay-z, plain white Ts, slow jams at niqht while sinqin to me on the phone (even if he cant sinq). levis and vans. jamaican by relation, american qanqsta by birth. north face and matchinq thinq 1 and thinq 2 hoodies in the winter. arrowinq pointinq "im with stupid" T's in the summer (= drives, eats alot of fast food but stays in shape. roll blunts toqether, then snatches it from my hand & tell me its bad for me. then we fiqht, arque & have make up sex after while the smoke comes out of OUR mouths . he doesnt talk about coke and birds more like those spoken words . endless butterflies and cant help but to lauqh at his stale jokes.a badass to the public but is qood to me. likes photoqraphy and is aqqressive but in a sexy way . we'll watch the latest movies on bootleq in bed, just as lonq as we're toqether . random iloveyou & imissyou texts. he'll feed me on command & bitch about my attitude, and NEVER EVER let me win an arqument. he'd buy me simple but meaninqful thinqs on my birthday, as oppose to jewelry or sneakers. ill chill w. him & his boys and lauqh at the local hoes . all of my qirls would hate him cause they envy his ways but i love em. qives me advice & my opinions always matter. a man that i wouldnt even have to think about lookinq thru his phone cause i trust him. me and his mom would have lonq talks about his adorable childhood and how he wet his pants durinq his 6th b-day party . awww .id run and cry to him & the first thinq he"ll say is "who i qotta qo run up on babe?" he'd sneak into my house, hold me close at niqht & wisper sweet thinqs in my ear . i would be able to kick, scream and punch him out of anqer and he would never lay a hand on me. spend cash on me even if i tell him not too. buy me chocolate when im on my period, start pointless arquments with me just cause he thinks it sexy when im mad.but most importantly ....we'd hanq out and talk for hours & never run out of thinqs to say.we could break up and qo our seperate ways, & see if we could live without each other just to see if our love is true. but we wouldnt do that cause it wouldnt even be necessary . *siqh*

The Morning After.

Can you hear her heart racinq ?
Can you taste the fear in her sweat ?
Her body trembled with shame .
The sheets filled with reqret .
Inside shes slowly dyinq .
It has taken her mind to an unnatural hiqh .
no other druq is worth tryinq .
An addict standinq still while her life passes her by .
Addict to what ? shouldnt you ask .
Addicted to what she fiends for the most .
Pain, pleasure, jealousy, joy mixed toqether .
For his love, she needs another dose.

Early Childhood Body Copy

Early Childhood and Child Development are two of the most exciting electives that we have at Piper. Being in this class you are able to work with children from as young as eleven months to as old as five years old. In child development students get a chance to experience being a parent by bringing home a battery power baby doll that cries, sleeps and has to be fed and given attention like a real infant. This class is perfect for any student that wants to become a pediatrician, teacher and/or have a career dealing with children.

AP Body Copy

Advance Placement

A.P also known as Advance Placement classes gives students a head start on college. This class not only raises your GPA but also gives you college credit. Piper provides many different varieties of A.P classes including English, Science and History. You do not have to take any kind of test to be enrolled in this course; however you must be recommended by your teacher. Advanced Placement curriculums are national, so every AP class throughout the country is all studying the same thing at the same time. Unlike regular core classes, advanced placement classes are taken year round at Piper. And the lessons are cumulative so at the end of the school year, there is a national exam that tests you on everything you’ve learned. AP classes can teach you how to prepare for college and be responsible, punctual, and independent.